What Should You do if You See a Service Dog in Public?
Don't pet it! Especially without asking. The dog has an extremely important job to do. Even if you don't see it, chances are the dog is actively working. By petting the dog you can distract it, risking the handlers safely. Also, please don't get angry and yell when we say no. It's not your dog. You are not entitled to pet it just because “its in public”. It doesn't mean it's aggressive. We are not only looking out for our own safety, but we want to get in and out just like everyone else. What's the longest it has taken you to go get a loaf of bread? Most likely 5 minutes on a real busy day, right? Some of us take 30 minutes because we are stopped so people can ask to pet our dog so often. It gets annoying after a while.We just want to be normal. Don’t talk to or call it. Ignore it and pretend it isn't there. Imagine being disabled to the point you need a service dog, and when you get one people ignore you and only refer to your dog. It not only is not n...