Dog Refusing to Eat Unless You Switch Their Food

    Dogs are smarter than we give them credit for sometimes! After only a few times of you giving them a super yummy topper or new food when they don't eat, they will learn to hold off so something better comes! Some dogs have been known to wait 3+ days in hopes they will get something better. 
    To fix this, put your dogs food down and wait 15 minutes. If they do not eat, pick it up and put it where they cannot get it. Wait until it is dinner time and repeat this process. This will teach your dog that if they don't eat the food you give them, they will not get to eat at all. Resist the urge to give them something better! I know for the first few days it is hard, but this is for your dogs own good. Stick to this process and after a short time your dog will start eating what they were given. 


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