
      You will need:




    To start you will need to always have your dog on a leash. it can be a short traffic leash or a normal 6ft leash. As soon as the dog barks, go get them by the leash & say “Thank you! Come get a treat!” and quickly take them to where the treats are (away from whatever is triggering them to bark). Give them a treat and praise them for being quiet as they eats it. Take your time so they forget about the distraction. Make sure you remain calm so your dog does not feed off of you!

     Once your dog starts to expect the above routine & they starts coming to you for a treat when you say “Thank you” move on to the below...

When your dog barks, say “Thank you” and meet them wherever the treats are. Stay with dog until the dog is calm. remember to remain calm yourself!

after that, when the dog barks, say “Thank you”. They should come see you wherever you are at. Give them a treat.

    Now you can start slowly weaning off the treats. Randomly just praise dog and go back to what you were doing.


In order to reinforce the training, never allow your dog to have unsupervised access to the trigger, or even to look through fences in the yard. Don’t leave them in the yard for long periods of time unsupervised. Instead, restrict access when they are alone. Use things like window coverings, privacy film, crating/confinement, or simply preventing access to the trigger. 

When you are with your dog by the trigger, and she notices people and dogs walking by (or whatever the trigger is), mark and reinforce them with a treat, play and praise, for noticing it without barking. Remember being calm and patient is the key to stopping this behavior!


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