What is Deep Pressure Therapy, & How do You Train it?
What is Deep Pressure Therapy? Deep pressure therapy, or DPT, is when a dog uses its body weight to target specific pressure points on the handlers body to help relieve the symptoms of their disability. This task can assist with an array of disabilities. Some of the most common things this task can help with is pain management, lowering the handlers heart rate, and helping reduce anxiety in handlers with disabilities like panic disorder, depression and (C)PTSD. How Do I Train DPT? First, decide a command name and do research to discover what pressure points need to be stimulated to help relieve your symptoms. After you have come to a decision on the above, grab some treats and your dog! As it would be virtually impossible to go over how to train this for every single pressure point, I will be using the ones on the upper thighs to go over how to train this. The training is the same for the most common ones! To begin, sit on the edge of a chair or your couc...